News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Irrefutable, undeniable proof that mercury is still used in vaccines injected into children
Because there has been a malicious disinformation effort to convince doctors, nurses and the public that vaccines given to children don’t contain mercury, I’m posting this letter from the State of California Health and Human Services Agency as proof that mercury is still injected into children via vaccines. As you can see from the letter, […]
By Mike Adams
ALERT: Vaccine advocate threatens mass murder “suicide mission” shooting at public autism event… “I’m gonna kill every single one of you f##kers… see you in Hell” (VIDEO)
Thanks to the extreme hatred being whipped up against autism truth advocates by vaccine propagandists such as Jimmy Kimmel, deranged science troll Dr. David Gorski and the “fake news” media that’s beholden to vaccine industry propaganda, vaccine pushers are now resorting to extreme threats of violence and mass shootings to try to silence vaccine truth […]
By Mike Adams
“FLUPOCALYPSE” mass hysteria is just another propaganda push for mindless vaccination compliance
So predictable. The mainstream propaganda media — all now functioning as prostitutes for the pseudoscience vaccine industry — are claiming a “flupocalypse” is devastating America. The solution? You’re all supposed to get injected with the mercury-laced flu shot, of course, in order to “do your part” to halt the complete destruction of human civilization now […]
By Mike Adams
Vaccine industry in panic as scientific study solves the riddle of why flu shots don’t work
The flu shot is a quack science medical hoax. While some vaccines do confer immunization effectiveness, the flu shot isn’t one of them. Recent studies, for example, have proven that flu shots sharply weaken immunity in subsequent years following immunization. In some years, the flu shot viral strains are completely wrong, offering no immunity at […]
By Mike Adams
BOMBSHELL: Flu shots scientifically proven to weaken immune response in subsequent years… researchers stunned
A medical study conducted at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center found that women who received flu vaccines had a weakened immune system response in subsequent years. Lisa Christian, PhD, the lead researcher on the study, concluded, “Growing evidence shows that those who received a flu shot in the prior year have lower antibody […]
By Mike Adams
PROOF: Flu shots are the greatest medical fraud in the history of the world
As one of the very few independent voices willing to stand up against the scientific dogma of our modern medical regime, I’ve long felt a need to communicate the dangers of flu shots to the public so that people can have better information to prevent vaccine injuries and save lives. This doesn’t mean I’m opposed […]
By Mike Adams
CDC-funded study confirms flu shots linked to spontaneous abortions… vaccine experts rush to explain away the findings
A CDC-funded medical study being published by the medical journal Vaccine has confirmed a shocking link between flu shots and spontaneous abortions in pregnant women. The study was rejected by two previous medical journals before Vaccine agreed to publish it, further underscoring the tendency for medical journals to censor any science that doesn’t agree with […]
By Mike Adams
Natural News targeted in massive, well-funded, multi-nation DDoS attack to silence debate on vaccines
SECURITY ALERT: For the last 48 hours, Natural News has been subjected to a large-scale, extremely well-funded DDoS attack that caused intermittent outages of site availability. The attack began shortly after Natural News linked to this White House petition demanding an end to legal immunity for the vaccine industry. The attack has already been waged […]
By Mike Adams
Learn how to survive superbug infections, pandemics and prevent disease in the “Immune Defense Summit” beginning in just a few days
The upcoming Immune Defense Summit is about to go live (in just five days), and I’m one of the featured speakers offering lifesaving information about preventing cancer, surviving deadly infections, treating superbugs with natural antibiotics and even making it through a pandemic. You can’t trust “official” sources on any of these topics, of course. The […]
By Mike Adams
High-dose zinc supplements found to speed recovery from colds and flu by 300%
A new study conducted at the University of Helsinki and published in Open Forum Infectious Diseases found that simple, low-cost zinc supplementation greatly speeds recovery from colds and influenza infections. The study, authored by Harri Hemilä, James T. Fitzgerald, Edward J. Petrus and Ananda Prasad, pursued a meta-analysis tracking of the recovery progress in human […]
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